By Anonymous - 25/03/2014 21:53 - United States - Springboro

Today, while lifeguarding, a kid thought it'd be hilarious to take a crap in the pool. The other kids freaked out and rushed to get out. Several of them slipped on the way out and hurt themselves fairly badly. Two parents are now threatening to sue us, and my boss blames me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 514
You deserved it 3 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

Tell the parents to sue the little shit who thought it would be funny to shit in the pool. I'm sure you didn't tell him to do that.

Hold the little shit responsible. Don't take the hit.


I don't think they can sue and win if you have a warning-sign up like most pools I've ever been to.

A warning sign saying "don't shit in the pool?" Surely any kid old enough to be in there without direct parental supervision, should be old enough to know better. Not an attack on you, 14. Just a messed up situation

No but there are almost certainly warnings not to run around the pool because you could slip. I'd like to see the pool company sue the parents of the child who crapped in the pool.

No, they most definitely can't sue for something like that. At least not without ending up in debt themselves via lawyer fees. Good old tort reform. Reducing the number of stupid "I'll sue you," "Not if I sue you first" cases while simultaneously taking away the ability of employees and consumers to sue corporations for actual negligence infractions since 2003.

beaverteaser 16

and where was the naughty child's parents?

RedPillSucks 31

Unfortunately, unless someone witnessed him do it, he and his parents got off the hook. Your boss is being a little shit to blame you for the suits, though

so how is it your fault? not like you it's your responsibility to prevent kids from ******** in the pool

I'm convinced that people run scripts to comment this phrase on any FML containing the words 'shit' 'crap' 'poo' '#2' 'turd' and 'doody.'

I'm starting to think they're bots that comment this, because they all get down thumbed into absolute oblivion and NONE of them ever comment back after.

Son of a bitch, it's the terminator and he actually came back ;-;

The only person they have a case against is the parents of the kid who took the crap

At least you can go swimming in chicago it's still 30 degrees outside

BellaBelle_fml 23