By Anonymous - 25/03/2014 21:53 - United States - Springboro
Same thing different taste
By heyyoitsapotato - 31/05/2013 02:35 - United States
By benjo - 06/08/2013 18:07 - United States
By qtpieo1 - 13/08/2010 16:14 - United States
By "mbrider" - 12/08/2017 16:00
By Anonymous - 12/07/2013 20:27 - United States - Los Angeles
By zain - 04/06/2011 06:15 - United States
By getmeoutofthiscountry - 19/07/2013 19:06 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 02:23 - United States
By corn - 03/06/2011 01:44 - United Kingdom
Baywatched out
By Username - 01/09/2010 00:35 - France
Top comments
Tell the parents to sue the little shit who thought it would be funny to shit in the pool. I'm sure you didn't tell him to do that.
Talk about a turd in the punch bowl
It's the boss's fault for hiring the kid as a lifeguard.. (This is a joke about the OP's wording. Please don't hurt me.)
Oh crap, good luck with any lawsuits
It's funny how the world works at times...
Normally I would be understanding towards the parents (you guys not taking more precaution towards their children's safety and such) but this is unacceptable. You don't deserve it. That ******* kid needs help.
You can't expect one person who's watching for drowning to watch out for the myriad of other idiotic things children do when they're horsing around.
That's not fair at all. Lifeguards can't enforce any rules and kids know it. All they can do is say "no running" and blow their whistle. Beyond that they'd have to deal with idiot parents saying the lifeguard was "bullying" their kid for doing anything more. Trust me I've seen it and I've seen people get fired for trying to enforce rules around other peoples kids.
Oh true okay.
Of course it's your fault! You should always carry around a pack of diapers as part of your life-saving duties. For shame, OP!
Should have thrown a toaster into the water and electrocuted all the kids so they didn't get hurt running. ^ That's sarcasm ^
Yeah, but then they would all be dead. That would bring more than a few lawsuits.
I used to be a lifeguard and was constantly asked to provide plasters (band-aids) for scraped knees etc. When I pointed them to the first aid hut and said I didn't carry them (because I go in the water and they'd get wet), I would get absolutely horrified looks from parents who thought it was my job to stop watching my water and go and fetch their bratty little kid a bandage. Note to parents: lifeguard not looking at the pool = unsafe pool.
Yeah swim diapers should be part of the life guarding kit. Haha. They work well. I've crapped in pools lots though swim diapers saved the day.
It's sad that in this day and age we need to point out sarcasm for all the idiots out there.
FML used to be amazing for the sarcastic remarks. Now it seems like every comment wants to comfort and console someone for doing something stupid. C'est la vie I miss docbastard, perdix, and Noor comments that weren't buried by hypersensitive teenagers.
I don't know, junkman. It seems to me like it's more about people making bad jokes and then hiding under the "it was sarcasm" excuse. OR maybe people just didn't think it was funny? Jesus, people care about thumbs way too much. Maybe that's why they end up making unfunny, desperate, obvious jokes.
#93, I was already aware of the sarcasm when I made my comment. I tried to make an equally sarcastic comment, obviously it didn't work out too well.
Of course it didn't sand shark. You didn't explicitly say "sarcasm" so everyone thought you were serious. SMDH.
That kid is gross!

Tell the parents to sue the little shit who thought it would be funny to shit in the pool. I'm sure you didn't tell him to do that.
Hold the little shit responsible. Don't take the hit.