By lissysue1 - 12/07/2012 19:23 - United States - Green Bay

Today, while making out with my boyfriend, I realized he was opening his mouth wide a lot. At first, I thought he was trying to French-kiss me. He was actually yawning through the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 917
You deserved it 4 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could be worse. My first kiss involved the girl trying to shove her tongue as far into my mouth as she could.


ryman82006 0

That's what u get he might have stayed up all night with a dying family member and all u can think about is your self

Yea... that didn't happen. Stop being so cynical.

ladybuggirl1234 3

i had a bf that didnt know how to kiss. his mouth was wide open and i was like wtf??? my mouth isnt even that big! he literally sucked my face

TheBloodyMuffin 2

Try spicing up your relationship. Get a catsuit or something that amuses the male. Then he wouldn't be very tired kissing you.

theycallmejadeee 8

My first kiss involved the guy sucking my face. I thought he was being funny. He was serious.

You need to date smarter people. Or anyone who knows how to pleasure a lady.

redmane 21

High intelligence directly relates to sexual skill?

High intelligence and a good amount of common sense go hand in hand. And common sense can relate to better or higher sexual skill on that level.

redmane 21

Not always. My roommate is very intelligent but it's no surprise when he asks how to boil water. He's 20. I'm sure that a lot of unintelligent men or women are skilled sexually, and vis versa.

Well that sucks maybe he was just tired

ktto14 2

give him a 5 hour energy.. ;-)

zachattack112492 4

French kiss? What, are you 12?

Your username is zachattack and you are holding a gun in your picture. You're obviously the mature one.

Im 12 and most people think its gross AF.

zachattack112492 4

I'm holding a gun because I'm in the military smart ass. And who says French kiss anymore? Last time I heard that I was 12, HOW ******* IRONIC IS THAT SHIT

Steel_BZ 8

People yawn to cool their brain, and to focus more clearly.