By JiggilyJoe - 26/12/2016 17:52 - United States - Wasilla

Today, while on a flight, another passenger pulled their carry-on out of the overhead. They forgot about the filled, metal water bottle clipped to the outside until it nailed me on top of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 257
You deserved it 463

JiggilyJoe tells us more.

Hey all, OP here, never thought I'd get a FML posted, so I guess this is another one to cross off my bucket list. lol Yes, as stated you can take an empty bottle through security and then fill it on the other side. Thanks for the funny comments, those made it more bearable. The hit hurt and left a small bump but I have a hard head so it's nothing major, and it was more shocking than anything, I had no clue what happened at first, just sudden pain. The guy with the water bottle was really apologetic and I could see he genuinely felt bad, so no hard feelings. Hopefully the new year will be better for us all! Happy New Years everyone!

Top comments

That sucks. Hope you don't have a bad injury

You can (usually) bring empty water bottles through security and fill them up at water fountains once you're checked in and been searched. I've done that on flights to avoid paying for water while waiting in the airport terminal.


That sucks. Hope you don't have a bad injury

Maybe if you send a strongly worded letter to the airline company they will start supplying hard hats?

For an extra $50, I'm sure they would.

Ouch. I thought liquids weren't allowed on flights, unless it was drinks served by the flight attendants.

You can (usually) bring empty water bottles through security and fill them up at water fountains once you're checked in and been searched. I've done that on flights to avoid paying for water while waiting in the airport terminal.

finalyearsofhate 22

You can take an empty bottle through tsa and fill it before you board. That's always what I do, though I keep it inside my carry-on.

Ah okay. It's been a long time since I've last been on a plane.

TSA ****** up on that one! They should've confiscated the water bottle at security.

finalyearsofhate 22

Or OP filled it up AFTER going through security. Plenty of people do that, and it's completely fine to do. Not to mention it saves you the insane amount of money that airports charge for water when there are perfectly fine fountains.

mzdaisylynn 12

There are kiosks that sell water and sodas around the terminals. There's also water fountains. The person may have filled their water bottle from one of these.

thunderniron 22

How did they get a filled metal water bottle past security?

Uh, it was EMPTY when they went through TSA? Maybe they filled it later at a water fountain? Dunno, but that's what I do.

while I was in middle school some bitch threw one at my head on the bus. it sucked. fyl.

Hey all, OP here, never thought I'd get a FML posted, so I guess this is another one to cross off my bucket list. lol Yes, as stated you can take an empty bottle through security and then fill it on the other side. Thanks for the funny comments, those made it more bearable. The hit hurt and left a small bump but I have a hard head so it's nothing major, and it was more shocking than anything, I had no clue what happened at first, just sudden pain. The guy with the water bottle was really apologetic and I could see he genuinely felt bad, so no hard feelings. Hopefully the new year will be better for us all! Happy New Years everyone!

Your grisly tale of avionic assault with images of water filled bottles and high-speed transit conjured thoughts of third world countries where life is much safer and more comfortable. Perhaps next time you should walk through sweltering heat to your destination where no one can attack you with h2o because the nearest water is 25 miles that way.