FML for mobile
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By Dumbass - 20/06/2009 06:01 - United States

Today, I bought a new mailbox to replace the old one that was stolen. Two hours after I put the new mailbox up, the old one was back and the new one was missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 447
You deserved it 37

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! they probbaly preferred the new one. if i were you i'd check the neighbourhood for your new one.

Dude you either have a possessed mailbox post or an asswipe of a neighbor


haha! thats hilarious! they probbaly preferred the new one. if i were you i'd check the neighbourhood for your new one.

This is either FAKE or you just got pranked by some fans of The Bernie Mac Show The episode where Bernies friend's are talking about what they did as kids explains this exact same prank.

AWW I LOVE YOU BECAUSE this story is so EPIC Maybe you should buy a new one to get your former new mailbox back

bollywood_rocks 0

Around here shit like this happens; usually the owner puts up a sign with the new one asking not to steal it.. You have to see these signs to believe it.

Maybe they're simply trying to keep up with the Jones'.

augustdanielle 0

How is this an FML? You have a mailbox! This was hilarious, thoughh. :)

Aren't letterboxes attached to the door???

blankslate 0

Karma? How? And this FML was the first to make me laugh in a long time, congratz.

seb12992 0

#2 is just an idiot. Give the fool thumbs down and move on.

curryndricegirll 0

It's KARMA for stealing the old mailbox. genius.

curryndricegirll 0

Oh wow. There's two ways to read this. The first time I read it, I thought he was replacing his mailbox because he stole the old one, which is why he said karma. Then I reread it, so someone stole the old mailbox, so I needed a new one. Bad wording on the OP's part.

steve is right, you just need to work on your reading comprehension.

@ Curry Erm, Karma for stealing his own mailbox? It's called common sense and it was worded fine. You're just dumb and not using your brain. Why would someone steal something that they own, then buy something to replace it? Then, once they replace it with the new one, it magically goes away and the old one is back on?

orbit 22

Maybe karma was the name of the thief?

Dude you either have a possessed mailbox post or an asswipe of a neighbor

ashbaby010 0

at least they gave you your old one back, and didn't make you go buy another mailbox. ha.

I never comment, but I was thinking the same thing Ashbaby010 was. At LEAST they had the decency to return your old one.. although I suspect it will turn out to be someone you know who is just messing with you.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH.... I'm so sorry, but this is the funniest thing I've heard in months. hahahahahhahahahhahahahahha.....

Ringmaster1 0

epic, I think someone likes your taste in mailboxes, but didn't want to go buy one.

wikifoo 0

Where in the he'll do you live ?

The weirdest stuff always happens in Florida. Or Germany. Keep up with the "oddly enough" news and you'll see what I mean.

hebron77 0

Well, sometimes the mobile version doesn't show info like that, maybe he was using the mobile version.

If there was mail in it, they can get in deep trouble.