By thismustbewhyivestrivedtobesmart - 15/11/2016 18:25 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, while on vacation, my brother asked a native of the area for help. Once he got it, he thanked them with "muchos gracias" in the best Spanish accent he could do. We're in Japan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 756
You deserved it 1 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an idiot! Everyone knows where you're in Japan, you say, "Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto." Sheesh!

My dumbass detector is going off the charts!


well, if the person giving directions only knew Japanese I suppose it doesn't matter. either way, he wouldn't understand Spanish, English or anything else your brother comes up with

Wow, how rude. Everyone knows it's "muchas gracias," not "muchos gracias."

You're in Japan but it says your location is New York, BULLSHIT!!!!

They quite likely wrote this after getting home, and wrote in present tense as FML uses "Today,"

This may just be me, but if I were to vacation or visit another country, I would at least make an attempt at learning the basics of their language.

cloco87 22

muchas gracias is the correct term but at least he is trying lol.

I had the exact same problem when visiting France and Italy! I was saying "gracias" all around, and the weird thing is I lived in Italy before and speak fluent french, but don't speak spanish at all! My husband looked at me like I was crazy, and I have no idea why I was saying "gracias"!!!

Reminds me of my brother who once said to my Guatemalan wife, "How do you say muchas gracias in Spanish?" The sorry part was he was serious. FML

Did your brother not know where you guys were ??