By Thanderska - 04/03/2008 01:02
Top comments
I'd go sit in a plastic bubble for a few days.
I can only imagine the pain. When I was younger out playing golf once. My brother walked up behind me mid swing. I can still remember the sound. he had a black eye for a while.
Ambulance gets to the hospital. Then a yellow 1967 British Leyland Mini pulls up behind the door of the ambulance preventing OP from exiting.
you better check yourself before your wreck yourself
I'm sorry I shouldn't have laughed at that. xD hope you heal fast. :)
And Doctors say golf can be beneficial to health......Hope you recover from both soon OP
At least you could just turn around and walk back in.
More of a hobble or limp i'd say since his foot was just run over...

I'd go sit in a plastic bubble for a few days.
I can only imagine the pain. When I was younger out playing golf once. My brother walked up behind me mid swing. I can still remember the sound. he had a black eye for a while.