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By KRW - 03/03/2008 14:56

Today, I have to have lunch alone because I'm on a business trip. I go to McDonald's, grab some food and sit outside. School is out, and Ronald McDonald arrives with a bunch of kids, points at me and says, "Look kids, Mister here has no friends, he has to eat alone!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 600
You deserved it 56

Top comments

Well that was a dick move. I some how feel you missed an opportunity here though to either ruin an asshat's day, make a bunch of kids cry, or make a lot of money. Could have probably even hit the trifecta.

If it makes you feel better, you are alone because you are on a business trip. McFuckFace over there is working as a clown for a fast food place.


Well that was a dick move. I some how feel you missed an opportunity here though to either ruin an asshat's day, make a bunch of kids cry, or make a lot of money. Could have probably even hit the trifecta.

DeadxManxWalking 27

Knowing the kids nowwadays, they probably yelled out "ROASTED" or "FIRE"

If it makes you feel better, you are alone because you are on a business trip. McFuckFace over there is working as a clown for a fast food place.

Are you sure you were at McDonald's and not Dick in the Box?

Publikwerks 14

Why did he call you "Mister" when the gender sign indicates your a woman?

'Mister' is her name and the Ronald McDonald guy was an ex who recognized her? *I'm really stretching, but if that's what it turns out to be, I'm buying a lottery ticket.

The post also says "He" so maybe it's just wrong on the profile.

neuronerd 28

File under things that probably never happened. Sounds like you were insecure and felt that was what people were thinking. I go places alone all the time, just because I like to, and no one has ever said anything.

I hate these kind of comments. Just because it hasn't happened to you, it suddenly never happens? People can be real jerks sometimes, even a guy in a clown suit whose job is supposed to be nice. This story is completely plausible. Even if it didn't happen in this instance, I'm willing to bet it's at least happened somewhere.

Wow - Ronald McDonald is alienating people and bullying.... wtg McDonalds NOT

catanita 18

Do not get upset about what that BOZO said. In the end is just a clown.