By weirdedout - 24/05/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, while sitting at a red light, my mother asked, "Do you have any intimacy questions?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 662
You deserved it 5 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randomdude1234 0

Mom? do you ever feel not so fresh... you know.... down there.


ShokuMasterLord 0

Just say no and get over it.

Your mom wins. Maybe awkward but def not a fml.

Howdyplz 2

My mom did that to me and my sister when we were watching Glee one day, and she decided it would be an appropriate time to have "The Talk." As it cut to commercial break, she starts it off by going "The PENIS goes into the ******! THERE! I said it!" Most awkward five minutes of my LIFE.

ackwardd .. buut at least ur mom will talk to u about that shtuffy :|

it's okay ;) trust me one day you'll be telling your mom all of this stuff . it does start to get a little weird when she shows you her sex toys though hahaha

Lol. Neither of my parents were willing to broach the topic.