By Getmeout - 31/05/2012 06:50 - United States - Hartfield

Today, while sitting in my Forensic Psychology class, my professor listed all of the main traits that indicate someone may very well be a sociopath. Every single trait described my fiancé perfectly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 727
You deserved it 5 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

Sociopaths are very nice people. Don't believe all of the stereotypes. I mean they don't all murder and get caught.

Are you the guy who went to break up with his abusive, controlling girlfriend and got engaged instead?


AliceLockehart 18

That doesn't necessarily mean he is a sociopath. Unless he's actually seen a psychiatrist & been diagnosed, I wouldn't be too worried.

AliceLockehart 18

Unless he starts getting all weird on you & such. Then there's something to worry about..!

ChickInGreenVans 12

Okay now I wanna know too!! What were they(The Symptoms)??

purplemnm 9

A few of the symptoms include pathological lying, self-entitled, superficial, impulsive, promiscuous, shallow emotion, incapacity to love, lack of empathy, and manipulative. There's tons more that qualify as being a sociopath, but those are the main points. Keep in mind, though, that everyone including you displays one or more or all of these symptoms and are still not sociopaths. It's actual disorder that must be diagnosed by a professional before it's considered an actual problem. Sociopaths can learn not to let their disorder run their lives, and many overcome it when they put effort into it.

Dallasluver19 14

I live in Virginia too!! :D get a néw fiánce.

kandi_kid69 15

39- You can't simply "get a new fiancé." OP doesn't even know if her fiancé is an actual sociopath or not yet. Sounds like she's making assumptions. OP, if you're truly worried about him being a sociopath ask him to go see a professional.

Clearly you have very deep, meaningful relationships. Or maybe I just need to pop down to the shops and get a new outlook on life.

day624 14

Im telling you OP, read the signs and get outta this

Minx108 12

Maybe its a question of degree OP? If you've stuck around this long enough without it concerning you maybe those traits are minor quirks and not the drive for his behaviour :/

Sociopaths are more common than most people realize, and they don't all end up as murderers. So, if you've known him for a long time, OP, you're probably not in for any crazy surprises.

Dexter is a sociopath yet he still made a better husband/father than a lot of guys.