By Username - 27/01/2011 03:54
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 08:13 - United States
By kprice6 - 03/02/2009 22:55 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/10/2013 16:36 - United States - El Cajon
Brain rot
By Anonymous - 26/09/2022 03:30 - Canada
By dating a psycho - 03/02/2022 08:00
Read the room
By Anonymous - 11/10/2022 22:00
Bad guy
By sweetsixteenyay - 25/06/2015 19:16 - United Kingdom - Caerphilly
By Anonymous - 31/10/2012 00:29 - United States - Wooster
Please leave
By Anonymous - 29/09/2010 01:36 - United States
Top comments
NOOOOOO! Those poor animals. Oh, hopefully he won't torture you too.
No, do it. he tortured animals, now make his parents loose trust in him.
thx. I can't stand people saying loose meaning lose.
I hope you don't LOOSE your temper. :D
ur a fag
Openly admitted to torturing animals? I'm curious now as to what kind of torture he was referring to. :/
guillotine, tasers, watching twilight, hidingthe remote. sick shit
hiding the remote and other sick shit
idk why it posted twice
mmm hot..
"Hi! My name is Bob and I torture animals! Nice to meet you!"
Hi! My name is Sally. I'm a little bit sadistic. Though, I prefer torturing humans than animals. I hope we could know each other better from now on!
Nice to meet you Faith, Sally, and Bob! Im Tera, I'd love to be your new BFF! I throw babies off of two story building fir the hell of it! I think were gonna be great friends!
didn't need that image in my head 0.o
Hello! Im Ryan. I cut peoples necks open and pull out their hearts. I like the skittle flavored ones the most! Want to come over sometime and see my "thrown off a two story building" dead baby collection?
Hello everyone! I'm Electra and I enjoy playing with wires and small infants. Oh, it's such a joy to watch their little bodies sieze and stiffen as volt after volt passes through their tiny, defenseless, little bodies. Maybe we should all meet up some time!
Future serial killer in the making? I'm probably watching too many crime dramas, but supposedly that doesn't bode well.
My thoughts exactly!
You're thinking of one "leg" of the so-called "Macdonald triad." The Macdonald triad consists of three childhood behaviors that are supposedly found in future sociopaths, including serial killers: torturing small animals, firesetting, and persistent bedwetting (enuresis) past the age of five. It captures the imagination because it's so neat and compact, and in particular has gained rather a lot of traction with law enforcement. Unfortunately the correlation is pretty far from perfect, and subsequent papers have tended to disprove Macdonald's research.
Blahh blahh blahh MCDONALDS!!!!! I am soo from America.
there's a game on the iPhone where the serial killer when he was little tortured animals as a kid...
Cause of Death, it's a great game
maybe that's his cry for help!!! he needs help before he actually hurts some one!!
considering he tortured animals as a kid, he already did hurt someone... animal torture is just as horrible as any other torture.
RinaRina that's not really true there's a higher population of animals than humans so theyre more expendable and animals probably don't feel pain like humans
Uh oh, we got a PETA member on our hands...
I hit yes when I moderated this. does that mean I'm part of the reason it made it to the site? jw. and OP, I hope the authorities look into him, just bc it's in a psychology class doesn't mean he shouldn't be investigated... FYL
Not necessarily.... As small children many people did terrible things to animals just to see what would happen. For example, when I was very young and I caught a frog, I was waving it around to show it off when I accidentally squeezed it so hard it's guts fell out its mouth. For some reason, my four year old brain found this incredibly funny, so I caught more frogs and did this again and again. Now I am a vegetarian and an animal lover. Doing terrible things as children does not neccasarily make you a bad person or a phycopath, it could mean your brain was to immature to process the fact that the animals felt pain too.
so? my dad told me he used to torture animals with his friends for fun as a kid, than went into detail about what he did. my friends thought it was funny and wanted to try a few of them, maybe I should writ an fml. one of the things he did was fill four nut shells with tar and stick it under a cats paws.
That's really sick. Don't you have a heart..?
I hope a bear sodomizes your dad.

"Hi! My name is Bob and I torture animals! Nice to meet you!"
Future serial killer in the making? I'm probably watching too many crime dramas, but supposedly that doesn't bode well.