By michelle91 - 02/12/2009 11:36 - Malaysia

Today, while stepping out of the shower, I slipped and cut my head. I went to the hospital, got 8 stitches and was tested for head trauma. After hours of ignoring my calls and texts, my girlfriend finally responded, very angrily. Why? Today is her birthday, and I "selfishly made it about me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 131
You deserved it 4 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazylady654 0

hey! today is MY birthday! why does your girlfriend always have to make it about her?!?


I know a nice birthdaypresent for her: turning up to her home with a new girl. Seriously, break up with her!

lifeisabitch43 4

She is clearly a selfish bitch, dump her.

CuddleBunny02 6

That is really ridiculous. She should have been concerned about your safety!

iBiteRoses 22

#149 I lol'd so hard that my drink came out my nose a little.

You should dump her. She is obiviously the selfish one.

You should dump her. She is obiviously the selfish one.