Time to run

By Anonymous - 24/06/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend smashed a glass in my face. When I went to the hospital, the first thing the nurse did was ask what I did to upset her, and then muttered that she hoped I'd learned a lesson. FML
I agree, your life sucks 709
You deserved it 88

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report the girlfriend to the police. That’s assault that caused a serious injury to your person. Also, the nurse is really unprofessional. I hope you reported her also.

Why are you still with someone who intentionally smashed a glass in your face?


Report the girlfriend to the police. That’s assault that caused a serious injury to your person. Also, the nurse is really unprofessional. I hope you reported her also.

Why are you still with someone who intentionally smashed a glass in your face?

Agreed, press charges against your ex girlfriend and file an HR complaint on the nurse.

It’s safe to assume it was bad enough that the nurse thought he deserved it but not bad enough that the comments section here does. It’s possible he deserved it. Maybe he cheated. Maybe he started the fight. Maybe he joined forces with a gang of cockroaches and Bigfoot to take the house over.

SaltyBlarog 6

You're victim blaming, you see that right. Nobody deserves to be assaulted by their significant other

I love how u took the time to post here & still r withholding the why it happened. Obvi it's 2 against 1 & u didn't include that part because ur afraid more ppl will agree

The only excuse for smashing a glass in someone's face is self-defence. You're victim blaming. It's disgusting.

tiptoppc 19

I’m a guy, and it seems awfully suspicious they left something out. Maybe he hit her, maybe he cheated. Some things warrant this, but that nurse likely knows the real reason. More info needs to be known and it can honestly go either way, but something isn’t being said, which is a red flag….