By thewordsicantsay - 25/02/2010 07:05 - Canada

Today, while waiting to do a presentation in class I felt someone flick my back, but when I turned around no one was there. It wasn't until I got up in front of the whole class that I felt my bra slowly sliding down my body. Turns out that the "flick" I felt was actually my bra clasp busting open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 549
You deserved it 3 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn that sucks. Least you got something for show and tell :P

Who the hell said anything about a uniform?


bihero 0

lolx. im really interested in ur presentation now

hahahaha you just made my day. on another note, could pregnency be the perpetrator (sp?) of this?

kikiface. you just haven't been with a bra displosal expert. I go it down to a flicking finger motion. lol. were u pointing at everyone lol

yeah, except according to the fml the thing just snapped open.

flippyyfeatherr 0

lol u havre biggg booobss that's a good thingg :)

irishfever 0

not necessarily. this has happened to me before and I'm only a B

kaileebug 0

don't say "only a b!" I wish I could fit in cup sizes. I'm done growing though! :

waNgEmsauCe 0

Your picture is in a tanning bed........ I hope you get cancer, you damn hooker.

locan_fml 0

nothing wrong with and extra set of eyes evaluating your presentation.

maybe you could turn it in to a show and tell about breast cancer with live props? lol

daaayyuummm thats hot (if u have huge boobs) :P

Yep that sucks Its why I LOVE thin coats! Worst case and your braless the a coat would help cover your bareness!!!

amatayo 0
music_METAL 0

mucha ropa! if your hot. If your not well then that sucks :(