By thewordsicantsay - 25/02/2010 07:05 - Canada

Today, while waiting to do a presentation in class I felt someone flick my back, but when I turned around no one was there. It wasn't until I got up in front of the whole class that I felt my bra slowly sliding down my body. Turns out that the "flick" I felt was actually my bra clasp busting open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 549
You deserved it 3 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn that sucks. Least you got something for show and tell :P

Who the hell said anything about a uniform?


goth_princess321 0

fake. you'd feel your bra release dumb shit.

boatkicker 4

She did feel it release. That's what the 'flick' was.

FYL for falling out of your bra... go check mlia for everyone in your class posting about how awsome it was.

I read this and laughed at you for wearing a strapless bra. 20 minutes later I walked into work and my bra strap snapped :|

starberries 0

You're wearing a strapless bra, and the strap snapped?

Atiuqol 0

Bras have straps that prevent them from sliding down. Not to mention if you were wearing a strapless bra, it would have slid down before you stood up unless your arms were clenched at your sides. Take it to Myspace, if you desperately need that attention.

Buy a bra that fits. Muffin-tops really aren't cute anyway.

PtitsaDroog 0

I'm not seeing how this is that bad, I go boob commando all the time. Unless you have like, MASSIVE boobs that are painful when you dont have a bra on, this is NOT an fml.

camicakess 0

I dont see how it could slide down unless A) it was a strapless B) you have no boobs to hold it up in the first place, so it doesnt matter.

Get new bras. Ther worn out. Straps are no good.