By thewordsicantsay - 25/02/2010 07:05 - Canada

Today, while waiting to do a presentation in class I felt someone flick my back, but when I turned around no one was there. It wasn't until I got up in front of the whole class that I felt my bra slowly sliding down my body. Turns out that the "flick" I felt was actually my bra clasp busting open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 549
You deserved it 3 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn that sucks. Least you got something for show and tell :P

Who the hell said anything about a uniform?


#2 my gf got me a cheeta print banana hamic

Hey, there's a funny site like FML but where visitors can tell their darkest secrets to everybody! it's

Somebody needs to get a better sized bra :P

probbibly wonder why your the most popular girl at school huh???

how about sometimes the clasp on them is just faulty

awesome!!!! you should have just taken it off and started dancing. make a few extra bucks...( dollar tips). lol

before snickerdoodles says anything, I want to say that you are a bitch and should snickershutthefuckupdoodle and stop spending every second of your life on

What's the point of arguing over the Internet. Swearing doesn't help, either. It shows you're an immature little kid trying to be a big kid.-

Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Even if you win you are still a retard.

hahaha nice one. i agree the internet is how idiots share their idiocrityness (yes im aware this isnt a word) and make themselves feel better

KarKlo 0

That's just rude... Have some respect will ya?

glasgowsmile 0

hehe something like that happened to this chick in my school, lol though it was worst because her boob pop out

Ugh that's happened to me before... while I was taking the SATs. It does feel a little like a flick on the back. Fortunately, I realized what happened while I was still sitting down and I pretended to awkwardly scratch my back and clasped it together again. FYL