By thewordsicantsay - 25/02/2010 07:05 - Canada

Today, while waiting to do a presentation in class I felt someone flick my back, but when I turned around no one was there. It wasn't until I got up in front of the whole class that I felt my bra slowly sliding down my body. Turns out that the "flick" I felt was actually my bra clasp busting open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 549
You deserved it 3 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn that sucks. Least you got something for show and tell :P

Who the hell said anything about a uniform?


it's very easy to open up a bra by snapping your fingers the right way, so someone could have opened your bra

are you stupid? their wasn't anyone near her

I guess the BraGods are telling you something....... Time to start your NEW LIFE as an EXHIBITIONIST!!!!

killabee 0

I used to get to all the way to school and suddenly realise as I was walking in, "oh, I forgot to wear a bra today." No big deal though, I'd just wear my sweatshirt all day and not run anywhere. :) If you are anything under a C cup, no big deal. A little t.h.o. is the biggest harm that could come from this.

spartan_girl 0

a little t.h.o is the worst thing that could come...unless the bra is somewhat padded, then it will look like she has an extra lumpy stomach, too, lol. (this happened to me, but i was at home testing out a bra with removable straps as a strapless bra...didn't work out so well, but I was at home so it was okay) OP- I hope you made it through your presentation without too much trouble!

don't let the guys get to you! hahahahahahha.

Igor_g5 0

I'd never leave home without a bra, but I have unfortunately huge knickers. However, a lit if women with itty bitty ******* think they don't need bras, and that's where the fried egg look comes from a few years later. Or pancake ****, whatever you wanna call them.

starberries 0

I think you mean "knockers". But "knickers" is pretty funny.

no b4 u go in front of the class n present something u should always check ur self

@76...the only thing better than big *******? big English *******! oh and there's no such thing as 'unfortunately huge knickers'...only wonderful big 'ol ******* but if you want to know what ur life would be like without those funbags google 'Dave Chappelle Its a wonderful chest' might appreciate what you've got just a little more!

Most guys love them but big boobs for a girl are a pain...especially in the back.

Can't wait for this one to be illustrated!