By shitbucketsfilledwithshit - 08/10/2015 16:04 - United States - Spring

Today, while walking home after a night of partying, I saw a thin, bald person in a suit looking at me from across the street. I got flashbacks to the Slender Man, screamed like a little bitch and ran. Then I realized I'd just humiliated myself in front of some random guy waiting for a bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 794
You deserved it 18 947

Same thing different taste


yea, video games may have saved his life. cuz that man may have been a serial killer. Your move, parents.

Dude did you collect the 8 pages need.

Slender Man is not to be messed with. Think of it as a form practice in case you run into the real deal.

Slender Man is fake so no chance of that at least!

Someone isn't going to see tomorrow...

First time I've seen a comment that's right be voted this negatively

Go watch the Marble Hornets videos on YouTube and say that again, 15.

Yes and average agent 47 waiting for bus stop to go to his contract killing job.

you'll never survive now, run all you want but he will always catch up to you.

Similiar thing happened to me. The only difference is, I didn't scream. I ran home and played the game.

ninjamadi 16

Now it's too late. you'll see him towering over you with his tentacles dragging you into the darkness.

ShadowlessSpear 21

Sorry I'll pass on the hentai

ninjamadi 16

I'm just stating he has them. wasn't trying to go there guys

LadyLuck93 20

Drunk moment 101. Don't blame ya, slender man is terrifying.