Making a scene

By becca1417 - 01/09/2009 22:21 - United States

Today, I was at the mall in a store looking at movie posters. I turned around and suddenly saw a creepy guy smiling at me, holding his arms out wide. I screamed, "Holy shit!" really loudly, causing everyone to stop and stare at me funny. Then I realized the creepy man was a cardboard cutout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 775
You deserved it 45 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the_stereotype 0

hahaha...dumb i hope you told that card board cut off for that bitch that he was


inconvienentgurl 0

lmao i would so do that too but not an fml...sorry ur just krazy learn to live n love it baby XD

LMAO. The same thng happen to me at the mall. There was a creepy dude hands on the hip and just kept on staring. Eventually when I passed it I realized it was a cutout. LOL. HAHA. Something to look back and laugh at, happens to many people. :)

Imawhalerider 0

explain and you will earn respect with me how cardboard is sacreligious

lol, I did that once too! I was in walmart and the girl i was babysitting had an accident so we were in the girl's clothes section. I saw a cut-out of Miley Cyrus as I turned the corner freaked out and punched it, every little girl in a five aisle radius started to cry

the_stereotype 0

hahaha...dumb i hope you told that card board cut off for that bitch that he was

sunshin3 0

LMAO. don't worry, that's just something to laugh about when you look back on.

Unregistered 0

thats y women shouldnt be allowed to go off alone without a male/talk in public YDI

screwtaylor 0

Maybe the cardboard cut out was really Plexico.

Lol. I would totally put a cardboard cut out of him in MY store, if I had one.

Unregistered 0

thats y women shouldnt be allowed to go off alone without a male/talk in public YDI