By Anonymous - 29/06/2016 02:17 - United States - High Springs

Today, while working as a highway patrol officer, I pulled over my girlfriend for speeding and was required by law to ticket her. Another officer was with me, so I couldn't not ticket her without being reported. We share a joint account, so I basically ticketed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 424
You deserved it 2 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lying in court is a Brady violation, really lying at all as a police officer, under any circumstances in the course of your official duties (and no it doesn't apply when you're using it as a tactic to gain a confession) is a Brady violation. Once you have that, you can no longer testify. If you can't testify, there is no point in the department retaining you and you will be terminated. Even little "white lies" can get you fired. Police can lie to the public in the course of their duties, but not to their department and certainly not to a judge. It is very unethical and immoral. 99% of officers take the whole held to a higher standard thing very seriously. In this case, if he wasn't willing to issue a warning to her in front of his partner, I guarantee he is not willing to lie in court in front of him. That's just and IA and termination waiting to happen. Besides the fact it's just wrong. However, I find it strange he was even allowed to write her a ticket due to the relationship. It's standard practice to call another officer to handle the stop or investigation if it's family, SO, friend, neighbor or nemesis to prevent bias. But I agree, the girlfriend is a jerk for putting him in that situation.