By Anonymous - 06/01/2012 04:06 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for a busted tail light. The officer gave me a warning and told me to fix it. Ten minutes later I was pulled over again for the same busted tail light by the same cop. This time he wrote me a ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 875
You deserved it 3 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How dare you not fix it in those ten minutes? That's painfully irresponsible of you.

*** da police, sorry I had to say that but Fyl too OP


*** da police, sorry I had to say that but Fyl too OP

GovernorGeneral 8

police needs to get niggas off the street

BarDownDaily 12
guckylynn 19

If you were pulled over and given a warning, they can't ticket you within 24 or 48 hours, I can't remember which for sure.

Is it just me or is this an exact copy of an older FML?

Whose going to say anything no record of them pulling you over. His word against yours? You will lose everytime

I believe 34 is referring to an actual warning - a slip that is like a ticket but not as formal and says WARNING across it. I don't know about any time limit rule but if true, the warning slip would be sufficient proof.

jaredjudd21 2

What seems to be the officer problem

xXxIracebethxXx 14

Even if you fight the ticket, you're going to lose SOMEHOW one way or another. If you happen to win, the cop will be the biggest douche whenever and if he sees you/remembers you... Every time...

No, you will lose every time. Might have something to do with your pierced ear, pot belly and live strong bracelet.

To asmith - what do you mean by no record? All police cars have on board cameras. If the same cop pulled him over twice, it will be on video. As such, it would not just be OP's word versus the officers.

TheDrifter 23

If you are given a repair ticket you are to drive directly to a repair shop or other safe place to repair the defect. You have (here anyhow) 30 days to submit proof of repair. If op shrugged off the warning and went about their day it was like asking to be ticketed.

126, you're not very educated are you? No OP, contrary to what 126 wrote, you are not likely to lose this in court. If you show that you repaired the taillight within a few days, they'll most likely wave the ticket. It's what they call a "fix-it ticket."

I think were missing the real point in this little spat....did the cop follow op or go somewhere else and happen to run across op again?

#74: even if they don't have a slip of paper, all traffic stops are recorded to ensure that the cops do what they're supposed to, and for evidence in case something happens, like this. OP could easily request the footage to be shown in court and fight the ticket. but if the ticket isn't that much, i'd say just pay it, because it'd be easiest.

Hmmmm silly Op first u have the headlights off and you tell us the cop has a busted headlight. Now you have a busted tail light :-/ when will you learn.

Well, apparently you can't be a cop if you're smart. They make you take some intelligence test beforehand and if you score beyond a number, you're ineligible.

How did they let that guy become a cop in the first place?? I guess nowadays they only require you to have an IQ that of a hooker.

And do tell, what is the IQ of a hooker? I'm sure there are some very intelligent hookers out there that made some bad decisions (too much blow?).

Instead of a hooker... More like a Meatball from NJ.

IQ of a hooker? Don't you know the stripper myth? They're working their way through college! Though what college accepts singles, I do not know.

SimpleMinds_fml 7

Wtf kind of unreasonable cop does that?

It was a "repeat" kinda thing from Super Troopers xD only the cop had to give him a ticket, they seriously need the money haha.

CommonSenseKarma 17

Perhaps he called his warning in, and his betters ordered him to give OP the ticket. Many times it's not the actual traffic officer who does that, it's their bosses who are the dicks.

GovernorGeneral 8

Fail... First time first comment :D Fuuck it wouldve been if i hadnt taken so long writing the comment =.=

littlemsweirdo 12

Fail? Yeeah on you. Jeez, seriously people need to stop with the "first! :D" comments!! It's so freaking annoying....

hero93 6

I'm sure you could fight the actual ticket in court and win. But yes, FYL.

EvilTwerp 12

Yeah. If the cop was following OP, then it's illegal for him to give them a ticket. However, if he chose a different route and still met up with OP, that's perfectly fine.

I didnt think we could teleport yet?! F'n pigs!

In most states if you get the problem fixed within ten days of getting the ticket it gets dismissed.

bamagrl410 31

Also in some states, you cannot receive a penalty for the same violation in the same day (like if it's something wrong with your vehicle). If it was a written warning and then a ticket, all OP has to do is take it to court. However if it was a verbal warning then that really sucks.

How dare you not fix it in those ten minutes? That's painfully irresponsible of you.

xXxIracebethxXx 14

^ Example of someone who obviously didn't get the sarcasm.

raney150 0

Or someone who did get it and tried to be funny.

jerseyboy732 16

Cop hadda meet his quota for the night

jerseyboy732 16

They don't have quotas but they can get in trouble for "poor performance". Which includes not writing enough tickets

eltapatio16 5
markrs 0

The cop wanted OP's number. The cop was so intrigued by OP that the cop just had to see OP once more. Geo (the cop) followed OP and resisted temptation to pull OP over again. But the resistance was as thin as string. Geo (the cop) rushed to pull OP over again. Geo (the cop), quivering with excitement, asked OP to step out of the car for a needed inspection. Geo (the cop) patted OP down, slowly caressing OP's body...Then Geo (the cop) noticed OP's third boob. Geo (the cop) gave OP a ticket for a broken light. The End. :p