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By paperbagofdoom - 29/05/2009 05:20 - United States

Today, while working at a certain California theme park in full costume, I was approached by a kid in line, who looked at me and exclaimed, "Hey look, its Indiana Jones!" which felt pretty amazing. His sister, who was maybe seven years old, glanced over at me and said, "No, he's way too fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 692
You deserved it 5 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2? How was Raiders of the Lost Ark a fail? You mean Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? That one George Lucas nuked the ******* fridge on.

WERE you Indiana Jones? maybe you should invest in a Wii Fit or something. gotta keep that name as respected as possible... especially after that Raiders of the Lost Ark fail, he needs all the help he can get


WERE you Indiana Jones? maybe you should invest in a Wii Fit or something. gotta keep that name as respected as possible... especially after that Raiders of the Lost Ark fail, he needs all the help he can get

suaveneanderthal 0

Damn, no luck with even the seven year olds. I bet you're a stud.

Idiot OP said 7 years older then the brother

#2? How was Raiders of the Lost Ark a fail? You mean Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? That one George Lucas nuked the ******* fridge on.

That bastard should be banned from the establishment.

not true, #7 consider people with thyroid problems given, the OP probably doesn't have one but I'm just sayin'.. some people really can't lose weight. don't be so ignorant.

doc_j 0

you are a ******* retard. a hyper active thyroid diagnosis does not mean you can not lose weight it means you get it treated and get ur fat ass on a treadmill. nice try dipshit back of the line for you dumb asian women

Wow. And here I thought the military was supposed to teach discipline. Racist fuckhead.

#2 Wii fit - answer to the problems of all the overweight people in the world

shit, I noticed that after, but then it was too late to edit it. today, i mixed up my indiana references and looked like a total tool. fml. but seriously, why WOULDNT a fridge keep you safe from a nuclear attack, right? thats totally realistic. as are the aliens/angels combo, and that fantastic swinging-through-trees scene. at least they all appeared to do their own stunts! oh wait.