By Shock - 21/03/2016 20:12 - United States - Littleton

Today, while working for a hospital security company, I had to assist in restraining a male patient while the nurses put a catheter in him. All I will say is that it looked like a worm trying to swallow a straw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 164
You deserved it 1 642

Same thing different taste


KayleeFrye 39

Did you expect to work at a hospital and NOT see such things? If you can't handle your job, work elsewhere. Just because you're security doesn't mean you won't have to deal with patients and medical issues. Besides, I really don't think it's F YOUR life, I think it's F the life of the poor guy getting a catheter.

Why didn't the nurses sedate him first before inserting such a painful procedure?

First of all, it's not the nurses' fault he wasn't sedated. Nurses can't sedate patients without an order from the treating physician. Physicians, in my experience at least, don't write an order for sedation for minor procedures like urinary catheterization.. No one wants a patient to experience pain and discomfort, but it's not just not realistic to sedate every patient having minor procedures that cause pain or discomfort. Sedation has its risks and is generally only used as a last resort. Second of all, not all patients can be safely sedated. Sometimes there are contraindications that can make sedating them dangerous.

You go gurl! Drop some of that medical knowledge on us!!

a catheter isn't supposed to is uncomfortable but it should not hurt

Urinary Catheterization is not a procedure.. I do it every day as a nurse and it's definitely not considered a procedure

They don’t sedate you for that. Its not supposed to be painful. The patient was probably restraint due to being nervous and bot knowing what to expect

I feel bad for the patient. I think it's a dick move (oops) when u were just doing the job u are paid for. I mean the patient is the one getting a tube shoved up there, have a bit sympathy, it won't kill you.

turtles_yup 18

he cant. its for the patients own good dumbass.

turtles_yup 18

Google it. Goodluck with the nightmares.

It's a tube inserted into the urethra(pee tube) of a male or female to allow urine to flow out of the bladder into a bag. It's used if there's a blockage that is keeping the patient from being able to urinate, or if the patient will be immobile for a lengthy time following a surgery.

Blueocean7 19
SmittyJA24 26

Other than for at the reception desk & in the cafeteria (perhaps?), all hospital employees will see more tit, ass, & dick than they want to see. It just goes with the territory.

theblondeone 16

Our motto is, "Leave your modesty at the door and pick it back up on your way out."

sammisweets93 12

nope I've worked in reception at a hospital and have seen some not so pretty things.

This wouldn't happen to be one of the security guards that assisted the staff restraining the young man to the table at MSH would it? Lol

painful procedure? I have had catheter 4 times doesn't hurt at all if they do it right. The thought of it is worse then doing it ?

Why_me499 21

try helping three nurses, another nursing assistant, and a urologist put one in a 500lb woman. I had to hold the flashlight while two nurses held up the stomach. my first night on the job