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By Jason - 22/11/2009 15:11 - United States

Today, I was finally able to hang out with a girl I really liked at a party. We had a great time and spent hours together. When I leaned in for a kiss at the end of the night, she stopped me and said , "You're a great guy, but we can't go out because you'd be bad for my social reputation." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 158
You deserved it 3 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, what a bitch.. If that is all she cares about then you are way better of without her...

That girl is a ****. Find someone who is actually worth your time.


riku3220 2

So did he win at failing or fail at winning?

you dodged a bullet. don't worry, be happy.

Reyo 2

Don't feel bad. When you're a raging success, and she's been worn down to the consistency of a used, alligator handbag, she'll be kicking herself for picking social recognition over happiness.

Today, I managed to avoid going out with a stuck up bitch who values social status more than a meaningful relationship. MLIA

dudeitsdanny 9

It does. But I'm not sure why. It either sucks for him for liking a girl without knowing anything about her, such as the fact that she cares about her social standing.. ---This being a big YDI it in my opinion... Or it sucks for him because he got rejected for not being cool enough... --- An FYL for now.. a FherL when he's a successful dork =)

Wow, what a bitch.. If that is all she cares about then you are way better of without her...

i agree!! if a girl only cares abt wat other ppl will think of her, then ur better of without her!!

I agree, if a woman won't date someone because it might upset her "social standing" clearly she's a shallow ***** who will end up in a trailer park with 19 kids and a drug-addicted, abusive husband. While the OP lives in his sweet house banging a trophy wife. It's called Karma, and it's ******* hilarious!

I love you 82, the two ruling factors in my life are irony and karma. Tge first ones funny but the last ones a real bitch... Maybe because I laughed.

That girl is a ****. Find someone who is actually worth your time.

Next time u see that bitch, ignore all guys can't hit girl rules, and just punch her in the face. damn what a lil hoe!

Those rules suck anyway. Men and women have equal rights, so why not in pain?

NoThanks999 19

#6/144 they have that rule cause of domestic violence. They find it "only fair" if I guy doesn't hit a girl. idk why not vise versa

borabora1991 0

well what she said should be enough for you to not like her anymore. at least you know shes a stuck up bitch now. seriously, what kind of person cares about how popular they are? if youre in high school then im not surprised, but if youre in college then shes too immature for you anyways.

I don't think you want to be part of her reputation either.

SurpriseButtseks 0

Ok, so she's shallow. At least she's honest about it.