By Kelly1995 - 21/03/2016 20:20 - United States - Pompey

Today, I was in the gym waiting for my boyfriend while he played racquetball. I had to listen to old men talk about their prostates for 15 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 493
You deserved it 2 950

Kelly1995_fml tells us more.

Kelly1995_fml 8

Just for everyone's information I couldn't go outside because it was too cold It was hard not to hear them when they were very loud old men It didn't disgust me because it's the human body but I more of had to try not to laugh listening to them all causally talk about their prostates and comparing them like they were toys So please stop being butt hurt about this I made this FML to share a funny experience at the gym. Thanks :)

Top comments

saxaddict122 14

You easily could have walked away if it made you uncomfortable. I've never been to a gym so small that people can't be out of earshot.

It's really important for them to get their prostates checked out when they're old so at least they're aware about it! And as if older people haven't had to listen to gross conversations from the younger generation.


Maybe some brain bleach could be of use here.

It's time to bury the bleach forever. Everyone repeat after me, "I vow to never use the phrases 'eye bleach', 'brain bleach', and especially 'shitty situation' ever again."

easier said then done, you're putting me in a real shitty situation here

This is what I get for commenting before 6 am.

UserError94 18

Yea white out is obvi the new bleach. She's gonna need some brain white out

Well, did you join them in their thrilling conversation?

That's when you tell them about yours, if you want to creep them out.

dman798 18

On the bright side, at least you didn't see them

If you could see someone's prostate, you're either a surgeon or have seen some ****** up things.

It's really important for them to get their prostates checked out when they're old so at least they're aware about it! And as if older people haven't had to listen to gross conversations from the younger generation.

Koalabiter 6

Had to? Sounds more like "got" to. Fun times.

saxaddict122 14

You easily could have walked away if it made you uncomfortable. I've never been to a gym so small that people can't be out of earshot.

Hope the conversation stayed benign! ;)

Maybe go play some racquetball with your boyfriend? Hopefully you'll get hit in the head and forget all about old men prostates, along with a few other things. Like your creepy uncle from when you were 9.

Hopefully they both had positive things to say