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By MymB612 - 24/09/2013 11:15

Today, yet again, I got to my desk at work at 8 AM to find my laptop turned on and porn sites opened. Weird porn sites. I have no idea who is doing this, or how they have access to my office, or how they got my login password. HR thinks I'm making this up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 335
You deserved it 3 580

MymB612 tells us more.

Hey everyone, OP here :) Thanks for the funny comments, it IS a weird situation, you have no idea what it's like to try to convince the HR lady that "**** site were appearing on my desktop and I have no idea who is doing it or how it's being done" :P Let me clear a few things up (since the debates were polarized around change your password / install nanny cam / take laptop home): 1- Our login passwords are company issued and the IT change them every 6 months. If I want to change it I have to submit a formal request to the HR department, and since the lady didn't believe me back then, it wasn't an option to change it. 2- I did think about the nanny cam and wanted to get one so i could catch the culprit but the situation was solved before i had a chance to do that. 3- About taking the laptop home, not an option since they are extremely stingy and attached to their stuff (we actually have to send a friggin' email if we want pens or paper...) so they would have had that "HOW DARE SHE" look if i had suggested it :P Turns out the HR department got another complaint of the same nature from an employee from another floor, and since there were now two complaints they decided to investigate, and lo and behold, the most typical of twists... IT WAS THE JANITOOOOR They haven't said much yet, like about how he got the passwords (i'm guessing mopping behind us while we log in or something, we never really thought to notice if he was looking) and obviously he had keys. Still don't know why he picked our laptops, or why he didn't just look for **** elsewhere :/ or why he didn't just close the windows when he's done or whatever... Hopefully we'll find out more. So there you go :)

Top comments

Lookonthesunnysi 10

Well, I think I'd be sterilizing my laptop and everything around it :-P


To be honest I feel like this might have be OPs excuse when he got caught..

Or they pissed off tech support. That'd be more possible then a janitor, especially if they're responsible, locking their computer and using proper passwords.

I've heard about this before though. It's a real phenomenon. It's called something like... the "**** fairy" How could anyone make something up like that? They have the ability to effortless bypass all the passwords on someone's computer and then they pull up all sites that they desire. Constantly screwing people over, those pesky fairies.

It may just be me, but have you thought about changing your password? Also, @70 in a decent organization tech support shouldn't have your password. Yes, they can reset it, but you would soon know about that when you can't get on the next day.

HighasaCloud 46

A janitor probably has a key to her office, but I think it's more likely to be an IT worker with a lockpick. Or a bump key.

Its probably Scruffy from Futurama trying to find a digital copy of Zero G Juggs.

ravenevercross 19

Gotta say, i love this comment because if you read below from OP, you learn it is the janitor.

caohm 18

probably stan's dad. -Southpark reference

#2 lol one of the best South Park episodes ever

caohm 18

some body gets my reference?! *breathes excitedly like spongebob*

Wait wait wait... So you're telling me it was a South Park reference? That explains you labeling it as "Southpark reference"!

caohm 18

I wasn't sure everyone would know the reference but I guess everyone watches it and didn't like that episode

You told everyone it was s Southpark reference. And then appeared shocked when someone realized it was a Southpark reference. I take that as an insult to everyone's intelligence, like a slap in the face with a white glove. Duel accepted. Pistols at dawn.

Maybe your computer is a teenage Deceptacon.

If he wants to find hot can't he just put up a hidden camera

Yupp. In case a security treat is breach, most companies use their Teenage Deceptacons to fight and do other office stuff.

Ask your manager if you can check the surveillance cameras

And maybe add some sort of password protection to your laptop. EDIT: Woops, didnt read the second half. Thumbs down.

Or she can get just change the password and see if it happens again. If this continues then get a teddy cam.

Well, at least Teddy cams are always inconspicuous.

#30 has a point.. Additional security is called for. Even if OP already has password, it is time to change it.

Cameras come in all shapes and sizes. You can hide them as anything. Idea is still valid.

next thing you know, odd-shaped ****** will be found on your seat, smelling used, and you'll have a harder time explaining yourself to HR.

Well, we now know who the perpetrator is. *points finger accusingly at Pleonasm*

Being as I just read this comment about used ******, I read this as, "Well, we now know who the penetrator is."

Perpetrating and penetrating like to go hand in hand, or something to that effect. Breaking and entering being one of many examples.

perdix 29

It's probably you on Ambien. You sleepwalked in at 4am and then sleep-diddled yourself to the weird ****.

Weeds? Just got started on season 8, that was the last episode I watched last night.

Never forget OP, bad sex is better than a good day at work! Oh, wait..never mind

Why haven't you changed your password yet?

I really don't understand why this comment and others are being downvoted. It's one simple, logical solution to OP's predicament.

emirie 21

Maybe the HR department are the ones in charge of changing the passwords, so she can't change them with out them. Which might be why it's significant that they don't believe her.

If OP wanted to change the password, wouldn't that make it more believable though?

Have you considered bringing the laptop home, OP?

Then their IT department sucks. Laptops are often more expensive than a desktop of the same capacity, and have less capacity for upgrade or parts exchange. If the graphics card on a desktop dies you can replace it with many, many different graphics cards. If the graphics on a laptop die that's pretty much the laptop dead right there. Laptops are extremely specialized for mobility and so using them when they explicitly AREN'T mobile is a waste of money.

82 - EXACTLY my thinking. If they didn't want the computer to be carried around, they would just give the employees crappy desktops.

Why would a company give its employees laptops if they don't want the employees taking their laptops home? If that were the case, I'd think the company would give OP a desktop computer.

Octwo 16

Usually situations like that are the result of the company getting some sort of bulk deal where it was cheaper overall to get laptops than desktops of the same specifications.