Too late

By Anonymous - 27/10/2013 23:46 - United States - Paramus

Today, I got married. My husband and I had been waiting until marriage to have sex, and when the time came, we started to undress. As I took my bra off, his eyes glazed over, and he fainted. An hour later, all he could say was, "I don't think we're meant to be together." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 404
You deserved it 9 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ApollosMyth 22

Wow, that is very shallow of him.

flashback.miss 28

sounds like you married a boy, not a man. but, on the other hand it could be nerves, talk to him. hopefully he was joking...


This is why a sexual relationship is important. Gotta be sure you're compatible in all aspects before vowing to spend your life together!

rupertajm90 15

although it may be noble to wait, this is the person that you will be spending the rest of your life with, would you want to know what you're getting into to see if it's worth it?

well at least you found out before you went through with it now you can actually save yourself for someone who sees you for who you truely are. ditch him

Did you tell him "Too late. Find a way to get used to it."?

So not only had you not had sex you hadn't had any physical contact? I can't imagine a grown man fainting at the sight of boobs.

peterblack67 9

So I'm not really sure what's going on here. Why would he faint? That seems like a pretty strong reaction. Is he gay and he realized he just couldn't do it?

This is why waiting until marriage is stupid. Hope your divorce went smoothly.