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By Anonymous - 30/03/2016 17:02 - United States - Brunswick

Today, I went to my new dentist to get my teeth cleaned. He kept getting distracted, causing him to repeatedly stab me in the gums. He then had the nerve to tell me that I need to brush more, due to how I was bleeding just from his "routine examination". FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 160
You deserved it 1 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you bite his finger and say it was just a natural reaction.

Tell him he needs to be finding a new patient since you're leaving


That's when you bite his finger and say it was just a natural reaction.

Tell him he needs to be finding a new patient since you're leaving

I agree with number 2, although when you leave you need to inform him that any bill he was dreaming of sending to you he can forget about since the reason you're bleeding was his inability to concentrate on the task at hand rather than stabbing you. I mean dentists are scary enough to some without that additional kind of terror and good luck with your new dentist if you dare to find one.

Sorry I have to comment one more time especially after reading some of the other comments. Yes they do have to test your gums, but they do that and get it over with and it is not with a sharp instrument. Once they get it over with they do not repeatedly stab you throughout the entire cleaning. I don't care if you're a Layman or a dentist, I don't care if you are a janitor or a dental assistant, it is plain common sense that if someone is distracted then they are going to screw up. It is also a fact that there are amazing dentists out there as well as the not so amazing. Unfortunately OP ended up with the latter.

I don't bleed when stabbed in the gum. Yes, I have spent more time in the chair than average. Braces and decaying teeth from nutrition deficiency and medicine. But at least I don't bleed.

I don't bleed when stabbed in the gum. Yes, I have spent more time in the chair than average. Braces and decaying teeth from nutrition deficiency and medicine. But at least I don't bleed.

I thought it said "I went to the dentist to get my new teeth cleaned."

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Yeah, flossing more would have stopped the dentist from repeatedly stabbing your gums. Duh, OP.

Thank you number 29 I didn't until you just posted that!

I don't understand... Can someone explain please?

Dude, does nobody get sarcasm? I was making a joke about how dentists always say you should "floss more" after they stab your gums!

thechaosmachine 2

Try flossing more. A dentist is supposed to poke your gums during the exam. If they bleed that easily, you probably have early periodontal disease. YDI for expecting the dentist to coddle you.

He was poking his gums with the tool when he was distracted so it was probably a hard jab and not a gentle poke. YDI for not reading the FML correctly.

There's a difference between poking and stabbing. The poke should be done with a blunt tool, not the one they use to actually clean the teeth, unless they flip it around the the rounded side. My dentist has done this too, but they apologized, especially after seeing me bleed.

No. They are not supposed to use a sharp tool and stab your gums. What the ****? That's like saying someone stabbed with a knife deserves to bleed.

Dude. Have you ever felt how hard they poke you with those things? No amount of brushing or flossing would toughen your gums enough to not bleed when a sharp ( yes, most dentists use a sharp pick) object sticks your gums repeatedly. It's been proven to be a stupid way to check brushing habits but it still hasn't been fazed out

OP, I'm sorry that you not only had to deal with your dentist who is obviously incompetent but also anal retentive and unnecessarily harsh YDI's. I don't get why those who choose the "you deserve it" option and don't actually have anything besides ignorant meanness to spew out can't just cast a down-vote and be quiet. I mean I get it if the down-vote is followed up with a good reason that makes sense. But if you're just doing it for attention then why not submit your own FML?

(´・_・`) Didn't think I'd see the day...

Did you go to Orin Scrivello, D.D.S? Skid Row isn't a nice place.

LostInTheZone11 29

I think a nerdy florist guy and a Mean Green Mother From Outer Space took care of that sadist dentist.

crazyindynathan 13

I'm pretty sure making their patients' gums bleed is a part of their schooling...

They make them bleed by poking them with a rounded instrument. Stabbing you while distracted is definitely not part of the procedure.

I'm thinking it was a joke. I could be wrong but I read it as he was joking