Too late

By Anonymous - 27/10/2013 23:46 - United States - Paramus

Today, I got married. My husband and I had been waiting until marriage to have sex, and when the time came, we started to undress. As I took my bra off, his eyes glazed over, and he fainted. An hour later, all he could say was, "I don't think we're meant to be together." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 404
You deserved it 9 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ApollosMyth 22

Wow, that is very shallow of him.

flashback.miss 28

sounds like you married a boy, not a man. but, on the other hand it could be nerves, talk to him. hopefully he was joking...


Anonyma518 5

While, I'm the person who is waiting with sex till real feelings n stuff waiting till marriage is a total bullshit. You are going to spend rest of the life(or at least longer part) with the person whom you don't know in bed. It may turn out you like different things/one of you sux in bed and sex while not the most important thing is still pretty significant. TBH, I suppose you lived with each other for a while since you got married. It's out of my imagination how you don't have sex while livin together.

regardless of what he thought when he looked at you I think fainting is really over dramatic. wow

PrimeStarscream 30

All the blood rushed to the wrong head.

Why? Why waiting till you got married before having sex???

Sometimes people say the weirdest things when they are extremely nervous. Don't take it as a sign he doesn't love you. Talk to him about it and hopefully you will be able to get through it and have an awesome love life.

I hate to be "that guy" but would you ever buy a car without a test drive?

That's why you should test drive before you buy a car

kitsune309 15

YDI for waiting until you were married and expecting to just be magically sexually compatible. Sexuality is an enormous part of a person. Marrying someone after purposefully ignoring it and then getting pissy because they weren't exactly the way you wanted them to be is a pretty shitty thing to do. YDI.