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Too Much Information

By Anonymous - 20/01/2021 11:02

Today, I found out that my cross-dressing father and my recently deceased mother were having a much more "open" relationship then they'd let on, when the sheriff's department finally gave me mom's phone back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 079
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might not want to investigate this too hard. "The More You Know" is not a good idea here.

tounces7 27

I'm more wondering why the sheriff's department had your moms phone in the first place.


You might not want to investigate this too hard. "The More You Know" is not a good idea here.

Vesi 29

They are adults and chose to live their best life. Who is anyone to judge? Sounds like they were pretty fantastic people in general! =)

tounces7 27

I'm more wondering why the sheriff's department had your moms phone in the first place.

If the death was suspicious or part of an ongoing investigation (Drugs, or was with someone they're investigating when they died) they will keep the phone to check for information.

How old are you? Obviously they found something that worked. If they got married in the 60's or 70's they probably did key parties

As someone with two dead parents who were into some strange stuff; why did you look through her phone??? You had to know there would at least be some ******* or dick pics.

YDI for going through her phone. also their sex life is their choice. why are you judging your recently deceased mother? that's cold blooded.