Toxic masculinity

By Bishop - 06/06/2012 14:19

Today, a man on the bus questioned my sexuality for being a male nurse. I asked him what he did and he said he worked in a garage. When I pointed out that I work with sexy nurses all day and he works with sweaty guys, he punched me in the stomach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 342
You deserved it 6 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm thinking that even though you got punched in the stomach that is still a "win" on your half.

I work in a car shop and I would love to work as a nurse now that you put it that way haha


Ignorant ****. I hope someone punches him in the stomach.

perdix 29

The mechanic's logic is better. If the OP can work all day in PJ's with sexy nurses and NOT have a permanent stiffy, maybe his sexuality is indeterminate. Since the mechanic can work with sweaty guys all day without popping a boner, you know that he is straight. Sorry that he celebrated his debate win over you with physical violence.

unknown_user5566 26

Hmm, valid point. But OP's response was still awesome. :)

perdix 29

It showed pluck, but no wisdom. The mechanic would be stronger from handling hard, steel tools all day compared to the nurse who usually is handling soft, flaccid ones. Even when those tools are "hard," they still don't compare to a Snap-On ;)

RedPillSucks 31

Have you ever tried to lift patients in/out of bed? Nurses may have to lift more stuff than mechanics. Also, who said the garage mechanic didn't get a stiffy working with his peers? Also, Nurse scrubs are loose enough to hide a stiffy, unless you're really well hung.

perdix 29

RPS, when you have to go elbows-deep into a tranny, I'd rather be a mechanic. ;)

Unbweavable 17

You have a valid point but you should have kept it to yourself

unknown_user5566 26

Why? The mechanic brought it up first. He should've kept his mouth shut if he didn't want OP's witty wrath forced upon him.

Unbweavable 17

Sweetie...look where it got him. Just because someone brought it up doesn't mean he HAD to reply

OP is looking at the glass half full. What a boss response.

Cassandrax731 5

I heard that being a nurse is actually a really good job for a guy right now, so the joke is on that garage worker!

ricerboy 0

Nurses get all the money these days so good for you OP

perdix 29

But, he could manhandle the truth. Might makes right :D

PYLrulz 17

Don't worry. He's mad you verbally owned his sweaty ass. Besides, with an attitude like that, he probably has something to hide anyway

Some people don't handle the truth well.