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By Anonymous - 09/10/2009 22:58 - United States

Today, I was at a local club with my friends sitting at a table when some guys approached us. One of them started telling me about his recent adventures through Europe and was very interesting. Something warm hit my leg and I realized the guy was urinating on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 495
You deserved it 2 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DoomJeff91 2

Sounds like urine his latest adventure.


Although yeah, he does sound "interesting".

did he just have his dick out in his hand or something in order to point it toward you? because if he had pants on it would be a little difficult to push the stream through the clothes

sanje21 0

he was marking his territory XD

haha at least you know URINE his heart. -stloen off another fml- and all I could think about was the episode of friends where -I was backpacking through Europe- was a pick up line..

Well, that's what we do over here. We love to relieve our bladders on people. I'm glad the trend is spreading.

You said "spreading!" Me likey! The OP should have said, "When you started the story, you were an American. Now, European."

Oh, I got one for you both... You're a peein'? European? Eh? Eh? *ashamed*

Are you ashamed that I made such a stupid pun, or that it took you a while to get it?

Aw. Now I'm ashamed that I made that pun without realising that you had already made it. I must have no brain. I do not deserve to co-create trans-Atlantic Telegustation. :[

In the words of Stanley Milgram, "The experiment requires that you continue."

EmmaMarieCullen 0

dude my DAD always says that!

Sounds like a stunt my brother pulled on me. ******.

Sun_Kissed18 25

hahah yeah he claimed his territory :P

twenty2182, do you ever say anything besides "omg"? Haha! Why did he start pissing on you? What the hell kind of club were you at?

id have decked him :) or worse, ripped off his nuts :D

He was just marking his territory. You should feel honored.