
By why - 04/11/2015 01:13 - United States

Today, it's easier to buy a house than it is to get out of a gym contract. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 852
You deserved it 2 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now is time for a stealthy mission to break in, steal the contract, and melt it with acid. "What contract?"

You can close your bank account and cut them at the source.


Getting out of a phone contract is ridiculous!

#2 is comparing getting out of a phone contract with getting out of a gym contract.

I'm guessing "Contracts that are ridiculously hard to get out of" haha

mds9986 24

That's the point of a contract.

Now is time for a stealthy mission to break in, steal the contract, and melt it with acid. "What contract?"

mds9986 24

Also need to hack their system and delete the digital copy, if they have one.

You melt the computer with acid too. Then everyone gets out of the contract!

You can close your bank account and cut them at the source.

Hmm to close gym contract OP has to close his bank account. Worth it?

And, if he has a signed long term contract, the gym might come after him.

All I can think about is that friends episode

Although then you may end up with a joint bank account with your friend that is only used for paying your gym membership.

#22: can transfer the money to a new/different bank account before closing that one

Yes, and then in addition to the gym sending your debt to collections, your (former) bank will send your overdraft fees to collections. Is shirking your contractual obligations worth destroying your credit score?

the bro life is tough man. sometime it hits hard.

account_to_poost 3

getting *in* to any contract is always easier than getting out. Its easier to get out of a gym membership than it is to get OUT of a mortgage. Thats why its called a *contract* - you are AGREEING to commit to something. Don't want to commit? DON'T enter the contract.

However, it still shouldn't be easier to get a house that to cancel an existing contract. In Switzerland the contract will very often state the price it costs to cancel an existig contract before it expires. This is often the case with phone contracts.

It's a gym membership. The contract shouldn't be that difficult. Just because I sign a contract doesn't mean that I should be locked in for life (especially for something as irrelevant as a gym).

Yet another reason why exercise is evil.

RockstarJAy 16

Yes, something that is great for your health and is almsot a necessity for good health is evil.