Unwelcome home

By Bee Quarantine - 10/09/2024 09:00 - United States

Today, there is a wasp nest right next to my front door. To exit the house safely, I have to use the back door and carefully sneak over to the car. Alternatively, I can just walk everywhere. Or I can become a shut-in, but I don't think I'd last long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 293
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could, I don't know, remove the wasp nest or something rather than resign yourself to your sad fate.

yeah, I mean how much does a can of Raid wasp and hornet killer cost? You can stand back several feet so they can't get to you and it kills them instantly. Just follow the directions on the can and/or find a video online. it's called adulting...


You could, I don't know, remove the wasp nest or something rather than resign yourself to your sad fate.

GoogieWithers 22

Don't they disappear in winter? Not long to wait now. Hope there is no bad weather in between😂😂😂

yeah, I mean how much does a can of Raid wasp and hornet killer cost? You can stand back several feet so they can't get to you and it kills them instantly. Just follow the directions on the can and/or find a video online. it's called adulting...

Alternatively, if approaching the nest is too scary for you, you can call an exterminator. They know how to deal with wasps and hornets.

Call an exterminator, don't try to remove the nest yourself. Who knows how they'll react?