Very confusing

By Anonymous - 09/11/2022 02:00

Today, after a few of my friends decided to drink last night, and my best friend ended up getting very drunk and confessing to my boyfriend that she loves him, her brother came over and gave me a lecture about responsibilities. I don't know what's worse, the lecture or the fact that her brother is my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 899
You deserved it 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh, what part of the Deep South or Appalachia do you live in? (And by the way I live in an area that is technically both.) So if I understand correctly, your boyfriend’s sister has the hots for her brother. And she was drunk enough to say this in public! Neither you nor, I assume (?) her brother / your boyfriend are at blame for this. Hopefully brother and sister are no longer both living at home… On the other hand, if your boyfriend / her brother is into his sister in that way, then you should probably walk away.

What's the matter? Siblings should love each other. If "love" is code for "*******," then that's a hole 'nother story!


Ugh, what part of the Deep South or Appalachia do you live in? (And by the way I live in an area that is technically both.) So if I understand correctly, your boyfriend’s sister has the hots for her brother. And she was drunk enough to say this in public! Neither you nor, I assume (?) her brother / your boyfriend are at blame for this. Hopefully brother and sister are no longer both living at home… On the other hand, if your boyfriend / her brother is into his sister in that way, then you should probably walk away.

Since you got the lecture I'm assuming that she got the D

I am so sorry that your life sounds like a really bad rerun of the Jerry Springer show.

What's the matter? Siblings should love each other. If "love" is code for "*******," then that's a hole 'nother story!

Marcella1016 31

Responsabilities? What did he tell you ???

HeartlessAngel00 2