Wait, what?

By HereToLaughAtU - 18/11/2014 04:16 - United States - Des Moines

Today, a customer said the pants she was buying rang up more than advertised. I quietly told her plus-sizes were not on sale. The customer yelled in front of a whole line of people, "So I'm fat and can't read! Any other insults you'd like to throw at me?" and stormed out of the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 490
You deserved it 4 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her she has anger management issues and is acting like a child. She literally asked for it.


How about "You clearly don't understand how questions work?"

considering how most stores think an 8 is plus size, this pisses me off even though I am male. now if it was say a size 20-30 or higher than Yah I could see it, but so many stores will pull this crap on anything higher than a 6-7.