Wait, what?

By HereToLaughAtU - 18/11/2014 04:16 - United States - Des Moines

Today, a customer said the pants she was buying rang up more than advertised. I quietly told her plus-sizes were not on sale. The customer yelled in front of a whole line of people, "So I'm fat and can't read! Any other insults you'd like to throw at me?" and stormed out of the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 490
You deserved it 4 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her she has anger management issues and is acting like a child. She literally asked for it.


Oh customer stupidity. There are some who just see themselves period, and then there are some whose whole lives wrap around their obesity. If it doesn't bother you, fine, great, whatever. If it bothers you, and especially if it makes you act like an asshole, it's your responsibility to do everyone a favor and work off the weight. Sorry OP that you took the brunt of it

Maybe the store needs to include all sizes? Let's be real here, most of America is plus size.

Lets be real here, most Americans may be plus size, but it doesn't mean that plus size clothes have to be on sale. It takes more fabric, i.e. more money to make plus size clothes. But to the op who had absolutely nothing to do with what goes on sale, I've worked in sales and it's all in the way you word it. "Sorry the sale for select sizes and styles only."

Customer was an asshole. She was directing her anger at someone that didn't deserve it. But I do thinks it's wrong for a store to put sale only on non-plus size clothes.

Wait, so your store has clothes on sale, but not for plus-size? I've never heard of that before, but that is total bullshit. I don't blame the customer for being pissed. But she should have been pissed about that and said so, not that she was fat and couldn't read. That just doesn't make sense unless a sign is posted somewhere, easily visible, stating that plus-size clothes weren't on sale. That's right up there with plus-size clothes costing more money. Discrimination, pure and simple.

I'm gonna say **** HER life on this one, that must have been embarrassing as hell. It's sad that your store policy doesn't put plus sized items in the sale but it's not your fault. This made me laugh though, thanks for posting it!

Not your fault plus sizes take more time and material to make therefore cost more

too much fat accumulated in the brain too I guess