Warning signs

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, my therapist recommended that I start seeing a psychiatrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 502
You deserved it 1 240

Top comments

This Is actually fairly common. Therapists cannot legally prescribe medication, and often work in conjunction with psychiatrists when their patients need medical help in addition to talking things out. Similarly, a psychiatrist won't usually help you talk through your issues, but rather will focus on medication to help you become more regulated. So if you have anxiety a therapist will talk to you about what is going on in your life and the day to day issues while a psychiatrist will give you medication to prevent the anxiety from overwhelming you. Best analogy to this would be like saying "My dentist recommended I see an orthodontist." They are two different specialists who work in the same field.


I don't get why this is an FML? It's a common thing and doesn't really change anything.