Warning signs

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, my therapist recommended that I start seeing a psychiatrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 502
You deserved it 1 240

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This Is actually fairly common. Therapists cannot legally prescribe medication, and often work in conjunction with psychiatrists when their patients need medical help in addition to talking things out. Similarly, a psychiatrist won't usually help you talk through your issues, but rather will focus on medication to help you become more regulated. So if you have anxiety a therapist will talk to you about what is going on in your life and the day to day issues while a psychiatrist will give you medication to prevent the anxiety from overwhelming you. Best analogy to this would be like saying "My dentist recommended I see an orthodontist." They are two different specialists who work in the same field.


species4872 19

I hear Fraser is free these days.

This isnt am fml or a ydi at all? This is a completely normal thing?

HopeEndlessly 6

You're moving up in the world! Congrats!

Your doctor recommended you go see someone who can further your treatment in ways they can't. I'm not seeing the fml here.

ashyb1705 3

Maybe OP sees it as a lack of progress or even a step back..? Obviously I can't say for certain but I've felt very fml about my illness whenever I have to go see a new dr. Especially when I thought I was making progress.

I hear what you're saying, but it's really not a bad thing. It's just taking another step closer to getting the treatment you need. Getting a new doctor that is better suited to help you is definitely a step forward, not backward.

I can see your point. But from the perspective of someone who is ill, it can make you feel like a failure. Obviously this isn't the case, but it does suck when you get told to go see a psychiatrist. Especially given the stigma that surrounds mental health.

finalyearsofhate 22

They probably think some form of medication will help your therapy. Psychiatrists rarely do more for someone than prescribe and monitor meds. Your therapist should have explained more in detail.

Psychiatrists do way more than just meds. They look at the neurological indicators of any illnesses, and decide on the best course of action. Sometimes they won't even issue meds, depending on circumstances.

Not really uncommon, most therapists recommend physiatrists to prescribe meds. Don't know why this is such a big deal? Don't you rather feel better

Don't be upset. Psychologists/therapists can't technically diagnose certain illnesses (particularly those that could have a neurological indicator), so psychiatrist is often used to assist in everything. It's not a bad thing to need help. I hope, with all my heart, that you overcome whatever obstacles and hardships you are facing. Remember that you are special and unique, and there are always people out there to help. Even just a stranger on the internet ❤️

Lol it was the opposite for me my psychiatrist said I should see a psychologist so now I have a psychiatrist and a psychologist

That isn't so bad, is it? Part of a therapist's job is to refer you to a psychiatrist if you need one.