Was it "Girl Afraid" by The Smiths?

By what - 21/07/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, I was listening to some music with my wife, and I mentioned that the song that was playing changed my mind about breaking up after an argument from years ago. For some reason, she got insanely pissed, threw a suitcase at me, and told me to pack and go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 177
You deserved it 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If a song changed your mind about a relationship and the revelation of this fact changed your spouse’s mind, it’s probably for the best.

thinman12345 16

it’s got to be a magical song with its ability to make or break a relationship.


If a song changed your mind about a relationship and the revelation of this fact changed your spouse’s mind, it’s probably for the best.

thinman12345 16

it’s got to be a magical song with its ability to make or break a relationship.

You are actually surprised that telling your wife about how sorry you are for breaking past serious relationship pisses her off?