We meet again

By laprochainefoisjerestealamaison - 25/02/2013 19:47 - France - Montpellier

Today, I gave birth to my daughter in a hospital corridor. The nurse who took me to my room afterwards tried to comfort me by saying there'd been worse incidents; she said that two years ago, a lady gave birth in the parking lot. That was me too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 499
You deserved it 5 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you could continue the pattern and give birth to your next child in the cafeteria or somewhere.

You've got your work cut out for you to top it next time.


Inciter 33

Congratulations on your new baby! It doesn't matter that you didn't make it to the delivery room. What matters is that your child came into the world safely.

caplox 6

At least you didnt have to do it in a jail cell with zombies surrounding you! (TWD)

OMG!! Your babies sure seem to be in a rush! Apparently rushing more than the hospital staff :-s Anyhow, I hope you all are happy and healthy. And of course, congrats!! :)

I'd slap her for saying that and then say you only did it because of your hormones!

YDI for not learning your lesson and getting to the hospital earlier this time.

Recent years in CHINA each mom has only one chance to have baby and give birth according the national law. You should feel grateful and happy while you have at least 2 healthy babies now, no matter where were they born.

#146 China! Where vaginas meet cardboard boxes. Filled with sperm.

wow, well just think, stories to tell the grand kids .....

musiciangirl591 16

some women have fast labors, my mother, 20 years ago, went into labor around 10 AM, around 11 AM i was born, she didn't even have time for an epidural!

Mandie56 4

Hey, no worries....my friend and I used to pretend to give birth in burning building, elevators, airplanes, and roller coasters!! Maybe your kids are going to become some sort of supernatural creature or somethiing.