Wee woo wee woo
By Anonymous - 17/05/2009 03:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/05/2009 03:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/11/2015 20:13 - United States - Las Vegas
By fuckina - 29/11/2010 17:34 - United States
By Savy - 13/02/2017 12:00 - United States - Mesa
By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 06:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/01/2016 07:04 - United States - Burbank
By llostinreality - 30/09/2018 07:00 - United States - Milwaukee
By wrongcar - 03/11/2009 18:00 - United States
By PulledOver - 01/06/2009 05:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/04/2009 21:50 - United States
By FML - 05/01/2012 15:56 - United States
For all of you saying that the OP should be let off the hook for breaking the law are all ******* MORONS!!! Here is what you are saying, since the car had a broken headlight it is perfectly fine to break the law. So if the person was drunk and did the same thing it would be ok? Yes I agree that the cop should be penalized for the broken light, that is if he decided to drive the car with the broken light. I know cops are mostly assholes but it doesn't excuse the fact that the OP was breaking the law. And you take the cop to court if their judgement of your speeding was not determined correctly or fairly. Having a broken light does not make the car look faster, or come up on a radar gun as going faster. There is no way that the OP can win the case in court. If you say that the cop is corrupt or being a hypocrite you have absolutely no room to talk. There is not enough information on the post for you to know that the cop saw the broken light and decided that it was ok to drive around on patrol. I agree with #69. The cop may have just gotten the broken light we don't know. All we know is that the OP was speeding and got caught. The sad part is that none of you dumbasses are going to learn how dangerous speeding actually is until your stupid judgments kills someone close to you. Instead you just assume that the cop was a dick and tried to trick the OP and any other person speeding. When what the cop actually did was keep someone from possibly getting into a terrible crash. Who knows if the cop didn't have the headlight out then the OP may not have made a post because they got into a fatal accident. So as all of the sane people posting on here I agree YOU DESERVE IT! And hopefully the OP will be more cautious while driving.
i just wanna thank all the moms on here, lookin out for our great country's upstanding law enforcement team. pretty much any website i go to, i hope there are some soccer moms in sweater vests keeping everyone in line. especially ztc14gk, thank you so much for all your hard work and outstanding morality.
Legally cops aren't allowed to make stops in cars that aren't in perfect working order. Fight it.
Yea you deserved that
that happened to me b4 I thought it was a light out it was actually a motorcycle cop
Where im from cops cant give tickets if there is anything visibly not working on there car
I hope you fought the ticket because he was also in violation of maintaining a safe vehicle
Did you know, that because he had a busted headlight.. you could've got him too. You may have $216 fine, but he could've lost his job over not taking good enough car of the police vehicle. :)
Ironic how you decide to break the law to get home quicker and it ends up taking longer than ever. that's why you just try to drive drive the speed limit. logically you will get home quicker, but based on what actually does happen you don't. moral of this story, just drive carefully and you will get there faster and more importantly safe.