By Anonymous - 02/01/2016 07:04 - United States - Burbank

Today, I was driving a little over the speed limit, when I saw a cop car waiting to join the road ahead of me. I quickly hit the brakes so they wouldn't have a payday with me. I hit the brakes too hard, lost control and almost ended up on someone's lawn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 555
You deserved it 25 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolhailsatan 23

If you were only going "a little" over, you should know you dont need to slam on the brakes to go back under. So either you were going more than a little, or you're just a dumb driver. YDI

I'm sorry but as I read your FML, I feel like you're among those who causes traffic and road accidents. YDI.


koganti 18

Well those ARE the only two possible outcomes I suppose

Well considering if they lost control that badly, I'd say yes, and also if OP was speeding so much that slamming on the breaks causes them to lose control, why were they speeding?

Maybe you shouldn't have been speeding in the first place lol, but at least you didn't hit someone and hopefully got away without a ticket

Well if their lawn was muddy you wouldn't have to worry. The cops would probably shoot the lawn then for being brown

lolhailsatan 23

If you were only going "a little" over, you should know you dont need to slam on the brakes to go back under. So either you were going more than a little, or you're just a dumb driver. YDI

mischiefkel 17

No matter what the specifics of this situation are, OP is a ridiculously dumb driver. The only time someone should be that out-of-control of their car is if they're taking aversive action to avoid an accident

I'm sorry but as I read your FML, I feel like you're among those who causes traffic and road accidents. YDI.

It's never a good idea to slow down when you see a cop. They almost always know you've been speeding when you do.

corky1992 33

There's a different between slowing down and slamming on your brakes. You could be slowing down for a number of reasons, but slamming on your brakes shows the cop that you're doing something wrong.

AletheDefender 15

I mean, slowing down is probably still a good idea though

de2391 7

It doesn't matter if a cop knows you were speeding. If the cop can't prove you were speeding you don't get a ticket.

cops can radar your speed from a long way 42, so by the time you see the cop and slow they probably have already tagged you. slowing down doesn't do anything , and as seen here it can cause traffic problems.

I was always taught to brake a little if I see a cop while I'm going a little over. It's more a respect thing I think.

izntdan 14

Yup I've seen people going 5 over and didn't want to stop them. If they slow down I usually let it slide but if you keep speeding after you pass me I will pull you over

Most won't tag you within 5-10 mph of the speed limit because they're too lazy to calibrate the radar... He would've been fine anyways.

The police are only there to make sure we are kept safe and following the laws. Luckily for you no one got hurt or worse

I never understood why people slam on their brakes when they notice a cop car. You let off the gas and coast until you reach the desired speed limit. A cop will definitely notice the drastic change in speed if you slam on your brakes, let alone any cars behind you that will have to react quickly if they don't want to slam into your rear

And I really hope they would notice someone locking up their brakes and skidding down the road.

that's the first thing my mom said to me about slowing down when I had trouble on the peddles when I first got my permit

If you weren't speeding that wouldn't have happened. You could have ******* killed someone.