Weird interaction

By Yue - 23/11/2009 21:14 - Canada

Today, I went over to my best friend's house only to have his little brother run up to us and confess his love to me. His little brother is twelve and I've tutored him for a year. I'm seventeen and male. Now my best friend thinks I 'taught' him something weird. He won't talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 593
You deserved it 2 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it was just 'I love you for tutoring me 'cuz I just aced that test' or something?

hornetchik 0

Prepare for comments suggesting you DID actually do something weird.


Your best friend is just jealous his little bro beat him at revealing his affection to you... heart-broken fella... :P

With a name like Yue... Nah, I'm probably the only dork who'd get that. Anyway, aww haha too bad for you. Perhaps your friend will come to his senses soon.

mhmidid 0

I got it too.... right away x.x let's be dorks together lol

#28 I definitely got it, too. Cardcaptor Sakura=my favorite anime ever.

It could be his real name. I know a few Chinese people with the name Yue. It's not an uncommon name.

xxxNataliexxx 0

Ooo, Gee I wonder what yur bff taught his bro(;

de4d_fml 0

Well, if he really is "in love" with you, then hopefully you can work all of this out with him and his brother. :P

a192837465 0

your friend is just jealous that's al

xoluvinshayxo 0

think up a good excuse...chew it over with a twix(;

Ouch... once an accusation like that is out, there's nothing you can really do. Good luck working things out.

Move to a new town, maybe somewhere in Mexico. And if you see Chris Hanson, RUN!

Maybe your best friend is jealous? Or perhaps he's guilty of some strange pleasure(s) himself, and he's scared that someone's gonna find out. Of course, it could turn out that his little bro really is gay. ... Then again, it could just be that your moobs are too big.

do what you want with him until youre 18.