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Weird turn on, but OK

By Anonymous - 19/03/2022 16:30 - India

Today, I realised my sex drive has improved massively since I started fantasising about Bruno from Encanto on the regular. I thought my lack of appetite was because of my mental health issues. Apparently not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 890
You deserved it 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

No kink shaming. You do you. And maybe Bruno too if you get lucky. Edit: I just realized Encanto is an animated movie, and therefore Bruno is fictional. So OP can only do herself, sadly.


rotflqtms_ 21

Except for all the times they talk about Bruno. And then sing a song about not talking about the bastard.

We don’t talk about Bruno. We only sing about Bruno.

No kink shaming. You do you. And maybe Bruno too if you get lucky. Edit: I just realized Encanto is an animated movie, and therefore Bruno is fictional. So OP can only do herself, sadly.

slkeithh 14

I think this still has very much to do with your mental illness...