Welcome back!

By Anonymous - 28/12/2009 12:08 - United States

Today, I came home from a year long backpacking trip in Europe. During my absence my parents divorced, dad took the house and most of the money, sister is seven months pregnant, brother was arrested for statutory rape, and my mom pawned all my stuff to buy booze to "cope." Oh, and my fish died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 411
You deserved it 5 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that'll teach you to stay the hell away from Europe. But seriously, would things have been different if you stayed? Be glad you didnt have to live through it all.

...Wait. Your sister is pregnant. Your brother is arrested for rape. ... Dude, FYL for having an incestuous family!


No way that poor person deserved that. I don't even know why some people voted that.

Maybe you were the one who kept your family under control.

gators1995 30
CountCoolness 12

Shoot man sorry to hear all that, but wow a year backpacking, sounds awesome!

Oh my god, I can't believe your family! They let your fish die?

One year ?!? Dang it feels much longer ...

Go back to back packing. Become a nomad.