What a dump

By queenariii - 28/06/2016 05:55 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I'm stuck in a ramshackle house that my aunt bought and moved everyone out to. Only one bathroom works, and she won't let us flush it because the house keeps flooding. Four people are stuck here with just one toilet filled with poop and urine, while she's been staying at a friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 951
You deserved it 1 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just keep using the bathrooms, including the one that's broken, until she gets back. Then she'll have to deal with the consequences of her absence.

Seems like a shitty situation urine. But really you should try to find another place.


I'm assuming you're a minor who can't just leave? Take this opportunity to learn inexpensive/free home repair. If you break it... oh well.

what a bitch!! i'd put her face first onto the toilet before shit gets that bad.

I am amused by the fact that you said poop and urine. Like you used the slang for solid waste but the medical term for liquid.

Haha, I actually thought about that when I submitted this. I just didn't like the way the other terms sounded when I read it back to myself, so I left it. Nice catch. x

if you can't even flush it because it makes the house flood I wouldn't really consider that bathroom "working"

If you have no other options in the house, I would utilize public bathrooms as much as possible.

Who the hell buys a house where the only bathroom doesn't work properly? Don't you get that checked out first? Regardless, that's pretty insensitive of your aunt to just leave everyone there knowing what the problems are.

Go to the hardware store and get a toilet plunger, a plumbing 'snake' pipe cleaner, and new latch/lock hardware for all the exterior doors. Use all of those to make the house livable for you and to keep auntie hypocrite out.

This is a violation of the health and safety code. You can call the Dept. of Family and Children Services for your area and they will come and make her fix it if anyone in the home is under 18. The problem is if she refuses to fix it, they will take the family members under 18 and place them with another relative or in foster care, so really think it over.

Move in with whoever your aunt is staying with and tell her to fix the plumbing or shut the **** up.