What a dump

By queenariii - 28/06/2016 05:55 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I'm stuck in a ramshackle house that my aunt bought and moved everyone out to. Only one bathroom works, and she won't let us flush it because the house keeps flooding. Four people are stuck here with just one toilet filled with poop and urine, while she's been staying at a friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 951
You deserved it 1 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just keep using the bathrooms, including the one that's broken, until she gets back. Then she'll have to deal with the consequences of her absence.

Seems like a shitty situation urine. But really you should try to find another place.


healthcarechick 9

I'm guessing you have no choice but to live there? That fing disgusting

Guess no one is going to be eating habanero spiced food or some good old Kimchee . Good luck

Piss outside. Honestly don't know about ******** outside but...

is there a reason you are forced to live where your aunt decides you live? is there a reason you (or your parents if your underage) don't have a job and your own home? the post makes it sound like you are depending on your aunt for a place to live. Peheraps (if this is the case) she is sick of providing a living for her lazy relatives and has chosen this way to express it. beggars cant be choosers.

MzZombicidal 36

Going through a tough financial situation does not automatically mean someone is lazy.

I don't understand how this constitutes a working bathroom. I mean, how is this toilet situation different from a bucket?

Are you underage? If so, is anyone else concerned this might be child abuse happening? I can't imagine adults not flushing a toilet at the command of anyone when they have to live there.

Why are you staying with your aunt? Unless there's an outhouse, the living conditions are unacceptable. Find your own place to stay if you are 18 or >. If not look for another relative or friend to stay with. But don't just sit there & do nothing.