What a dump

By queenariii - 28/06/2016 05:55 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I'm stuck in a ramshackle house that my aunt bought and moved everyone out to. Only one bathroom works, and she won't let us flush it because the house keeps flooding. Four people are stuck here with just one toilet filled with poop and urine, while she's been staying at a friend's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 951
You deserved it 1 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just keep using the bathrooms, including the one that's broken, until she gets back. Then she'll have to deal with the consequences of her absence.

Seems like a shitty situation urine. But really you should try to find another place.


if you're all adults, why are you staying? If you're underage, call social services

She originally moved in with us a few years ago, then my mom lost her job, and everything went cattywumpus. The only two cars we have, are gone most of the day for work, and the nearest store is too far to walk. Sewage is what's flooding, and as soon as we moved in, the roof caved in down stairs due to it. We can't just flush it because the showers also flood with waste, and there's another leak near the vents, and two people have asthma and severe allergies. She bought the house in secret, and didn't tell us about it until after she closed the deal. She got a scamming realtor and the "inspection" was forged. She did this secretly because we were being "picky", and they weren't in the city where all her friends live. She's really immature and inexperienced, and didn't want to let anyone who is experienced help her out. Instead she only does something when her friends tell her to, even if it's the exact same advice my family gives her. Now, she is staying out of the house as much as she can, and hasn't done much of anything to correct the situation. She hasn't tried half as hard to get out of the house as she did to get into it. I'm only 15, so the only thing I can do is research or call around and try to help my mom find other forms of income, get her credit right, and somehow, move out and leave my aunt. Along with making some money online. I think I answered all the questions, and thank you to some for advice.

Wow OP I'm really sorry you're going through this. Have you tried reaching out to your aunt's friends? Maybe if you have one of them come look at the place and see how awful it is they'll tell her to fix it or sell it. If worse comes to worse you might have to call the fire department and have it condemned.

That house sounds like it needs to be condemned. That might be something you consider. The realtor could be in huge trouble for forging the inspection report, and your aunt might be as well. There should be legal remedies to what your aunt has done, and the adults in the house should look into that.

Holy shit you are in a horrible situation. I wish I could help you. Just hang in there. You seem like a strong person, so I'm sure things will eventually improve for you!

If inspection was forged then the place is not in condition for nobody to stay at. You say waste comes up from the shower when you flush. That's a clear sign that potentially your drainage pipes are too small for the home itself. Call the city and don't care about your aunt. Who knows what else is wrong behind those walls

"We have a saying here in Springfield. If it's brown, drink it down. If it's black, send it back."

By any chance are you the cast of Shameless.

So... despite knowing you can't flush because you flood your house with sewage, you all continue to use a FULL TOILET. How, exactly, did you suppose this would help your plumbing situation? Put a trash bag in a bucket, put the bucket outside or in a barn or garage. Use the honey bucket. Stop using the full toilet.

I had to live in a tent with my friend for a week. except my friend left me there on day one without a ride home.

WJM505 14

Is that a saying for ordering meat at a restaurant? Because that's what it sounds like.

anlong93 9

Probably not, 38, since you wouldn't drink meat.

ChiefKoala 30

Not sure how stuff works where you live, but I am fairly sure this could be neglect, or at least a call to the cops might straighten her ass out mate. I'd make her life a living hell, since she's doing that to you guys.