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What are you doing?

By StopMe - 20/05/2019 12:00

Today, I went to a hobby lobby with the director of the play my daughter is in. He leaned in to grab a bottle of blue paint, and I mistook it for a hug. When he looked perplexed, I hugged him again, this time jumping in celebration of finding the blue paint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 507
You deserved it 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where did OP even mention a boyfriend or husband?

I hug everyone (that enjoys hugs) and my other half has never given a flying f.


Zekfen 17

Do you make a habit of hugging people? How does your husband/boyfriend feel about this? That must have been really hard on the director.

I hug everyone (that enjoys hugs) and my other half has never given a flying f.

Where did OP even mention a boyfriend or husband?

And your daughter went from assistant property manager to the leading role. Slutty stage mom, FTW!